Mon, Oct 24
National Day of Empowerment Planning Meeting
Join us in this planning meeting to discuss this year's plan for National Day of Empowerment 2022!
Time & Location
Oct 24, 2022, 7:00 PM CDT
About the event
NDOE was created to provide National YP chapters across the country with a platform to partner with their affiliates,
other  chapters, and the larger local community. In these partnerships, YP chapters are encouraged to host events that foster financial wellness and empowerment within their communitiesÂ
Zoom link:Â
Topic: NDOE Weekly  Planning Meeting
Time: Oct 24, 2022 7 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Mon, until Nov 14, 2022, 4 occurrence(s)
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Meeting ID: 849 4689 4083
Passcode: 866431
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